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DC Correctional Treatment Facility

Project Sequencing

DGS and DOC envision utilizing land proximate to the existing CTF and CDF for the creation of a building complex containing three connected buildings. 

Key components of this vision include: 

  • Annex Building 1: CDF replacement housing, behavioral health facilities, Resident support space, facility parking, Resident intake & release, intake housing, Reentry planning, medical, facility administration, facility parking
  • Annex Building 2: CDF replacement housing, Resident support space, facility parking
  • CTF: continued use of CTF to house its current population
  • CDF: discontinued use of the CDF after construction of the new buildings is completed

To fulfill DOC’s long-term goals, the District has developed a sequenced approach to construction of the new facilities to focus on the highest operational needs as identified through the project’s Pre-Design phase. The sequenced plan takes advantage of long-term budget opportunities and conforms to the approved plans for the area. Completion of both new buildings will support the operational goals of the DOC and enable it to discontinue the use of the existing CDF.

PHASE 1: Begin creating a new correctional complex that meets the needs of a changing population

Create in Annex Building 1

CDF replacement housing**
Behavioral health facilities
Resident support space
Staff support space
Facility parking

Relocate to Annex Building 1

Resident intake & release
Intake housing
Reentry planning
Facility administration

Retain and Renovate in the Existing CTF*

Long-term care
Women's Center

PHASE 2: Begin creating a new correctional complex that meets the needs of a changing population

Create in Annex Building 2

CDF replacement housing**
Resident support space
Staff support space
Facility parking

*Renovation activities will be part of a separate, simultaneous CTF renovation project.

**Housing Units in both buildings have access to spaces for recreation, educational programs, case management and religious service. Most units contain only single occupancy cells, with a few units allowing double occupancy.

View full project schedule 


The Pre-Design Phase is essential for defining the mission, size, general design configuration, and building methods, and estimating both capital and operating costs. This phase also includes significant public outreach efforts to ensure the community has ample input into the planning process.

Validation of Need

The planning process for the CTF Annex began with a highly specialized, scientific process of updating population forecasts with an analysis of the impact of current and planned programs, as well as identification of potential strategies for population reduction that are consistent with an evidence-based approach to justice system management. Specifically, the Architectural Program Consultant (APC) will review criminal justice system population demographics, criminal background and special needs of the current and projected population. The result of this work was the establishment of facility population projections over the next 10+ years, including bed space needs.

Site Evaluation

In collaboration with various District agencies and development authorities, including the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED), the APC evaluated the available site for development. This included identifying the maximum height of the proposed building, documenting existing utilities, and preparing a topographical survey of the site. As part of this evaluation, the APC also projected future parking needs and will propose transportation demand management strategies/programs to reduce parking demand.


The programming phase guided the design of the CTF Annex by aligning the District’s goals, operational standards, and cost-effectiveness objectives for the DOC facility. Architectural program guidelines focused on achieving efficient security, resident management, maintenance and operational characteristics while being cost- and staff-efficient. Programming was informed in part by feedback gathered from DOC residents and staff.

Summaries of those survey results:

The developed and refined program will serve as a guide and benchmark throughout the design phase.

Concept Design and Cost Estimate

The conceptual design process is underway, including consideration of feedback from review agencies such as the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts. The APC is developing conceptual drawings including site plans, floor plans, building sections and building elevations that reflect the spatial program, relationship diagrams, parking needs and site profile. The plans will describe basic materials and methods to meet codes; illustrate types of furnishings and materials to reflect the building’s mission; and establish building criteria for engineering and security systems. Sustainable design strategies will be taken into consideration during this phase and a Pre-Design phase cost estimate will be developed.