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DC Correctional Treatment Facility


Why is the District building a new facility?

The District of Columbia (DC) Department of Corrections (DOC) currently operates and maintains the 450,000 square foot Central Detention Facility (CDF) and the 450,000 square foot Correctional Treatment Facility (CTF). CDF was opened in 1976 and currently has a total operating capacity to house 2,164 residents. CTF was opened in 1992 and currently has a total operating capacity to house 1,400 residents.

CDF Building Challenges

  • Aging & outdated infrastructure
  • Need for costly repairs
  • Changing population and the need for more behavioral health spaces for residents
  • Lack of programmatic spaces

…Therefore, the decision is to replace the CDF.

To support DOC’s long-term operational goals and vision and ensure continued public safety, Mayor Muriel Bowser allocated $463 million in the city’s 2025 capital budget proposal to design and build an annex to the CTF.

A new facility will allow the District to modernize its approach to justice and confinement so those confined will be better prepared to reenter the community and change the trajectory of their lives.

The new state-of-the-art facility will meet the needs of the community and provide a safe and secure environment for residents, staff, and visitors.

It will represent a focused commitment to the rehabilitation of DC residents by defining physical space for educational and vocational opportunities; programming and rehabilitative services; substance abuse, behavioral and mental health treatment programs; and reentry supportive services.


Where will the new facility be located?

The DC CTF Annex will be located south of Massachusetts Avenue adjacent to the existing CTF.

Extension of Massachusetts Avenue built in accordance with the Hill East Master Plan. Sequenced discontinuance of CDF including demolition of admin building to make way for new housing building. New Housing Building, construction of a new housing building with support spaces. New Behavioral Health and Facility Administration Building, construction of a new building with spaces for housing, treatment, medical office and resident support.

1. Construction of Building 1 (Intake, Medical, Behavioral Health Housing and Admin Building).
2. Construction of Building 2 (Housing Building with support functions).
3. A new Unified Correctional Complex will be created utilizing the existing CTF Building and new construction.
4. Sequenced discontinuance of CDF, including demolition of Admin Building to make way for new Housing Building.
5. Extension of Massachusetts Ave. Built in accordance with the Hill East Master Plan.


The Mayor’s budget has construction spread across multiple years – does this mean the project will be phased?

The District has developed a sequenced approach to construction of the CTF Annex to focus on the highest operational needs as identified throughout the project’s Pre-Design. The sequenced plan takes advantage of long-term budget opportunities; conforms to the approved Hill East Masterplan; and allows the District to create a ‘one-complex’ vision.

Sequence 1 of the project will allow the District to respond to increasing behavioral health needs of the DOC resident population through the construction of a behavioral health treatment and facility administration building to include therapeutic housing, management, support and treatment spaces. This new area will allow the DOC to support residents through a modern approach focused on therapeutic treatment and reducing recidivism. Sequence 1 seeks to improve functionality of the future complex through modernized and centralized support functions, such as intake and release, kitchen, laundry, outpatient clinic and new administrative areas. Relocating support functions allows the DOC to reorganize and reconceptualize areas within the CTF including improved areas for female housing. Some support functions will be located in the new CTF Annex and others will be part of a renovation to the existing CTF (conducted under a separate project). The DOC, DGS and CGL teams are working together to determine the best use of the existing CTF.

Sequence 2 of the project involves the construction of a new housing building in line with the scale of the surrounding neighborhood to replace housing currently located in the CDF. Completion of this housing will support the operational goals of the DOC and enable it to discontinue use of the existing CDF.

Begin creating a new correctional complex that meets the needs of a changing population

  • Create in New Building 1 (Intake, Medical, Behavioral Health Housing & Admin Building)
    • Therapeutic housing
    • Resident support space
    • Treatment space
    • Facility parking
  • Relocate to the New Building 1 (Intake, Medical, Behavioral Health Housing & Admin Building)
    • Resident intake & release
    • Intake housing
    • Reentry planning
    • Medical
    • Facility administration
  • Retain and Renovate in the Existing CTF*
    • Kitchen
    • Laundry
    • Outpatient clinic
    • Women's Center

Construct a new housing building within the correctional complex

  • Create in New Building 2 (Housing Building)
    • CDF replacement housing
    • Resident support space
    • Staff support space
    • Facility parking
Sequence 1: Construct a new correctional facility prioritizing behavioral health
Sequence 1: Construct a new facility prioritizing behavioral health
Sequence 2: Construct a housing building with support spaces
Create in New Facility: Behavioral Health Treatment and Facility Administration Building
Central Lobby for All
Male Therapeutic Housing
Resident Support Space
Treatment Space
Facility Parking
Relocate to New Facility: Behavioral Health Treatment and Facility Administration Building
Resident Intake, Transport & Release
Reentry Planning
Facility Administration
Retain and Renovate in the Existing CTF*
Outpatient Clinic
Women's Center
Sequence 2: Construct a housing building with support functions
Create in New Facility: Housing Building
CDF Replacement Housing
Resident Support Space
Staff Support Space
Facility Parking

*Renovation activities will be part of a separate, simultaneous CTF renovation project.


How many beds will the new facility have?

The number of beds in the new facility has not been finalized. The Department of General Services (DGS) and the Architectural Program Consultant (APC)  are collecting information such as data assembled during the Facility Population Projection; conversations with judicial system stakeholders; space programming; and site analysis that will allow DOC to decide on the number of beds. The new facility will include housing that is right-sized with space for treatment, education and programming—all aimed at making the District better by reducing recidivism and helping prepare individuals to re-enter society as law abiding and productive citizens.


When will the new facility open?

Building 1 the Intake, Medical, Behavioral Health Housing & Admin Building is expected to be complete in 2030; Building 2 the new housing building is expected to be complete in 2034. These dates are subject to change. More detailed information on each sequence can be found here.


What will happen to the existing facility?

As part of its pre-design efforts, CGL will complete an evaluation of the current use of the existing CDF and CTF, with the goal of identifying approaches for the optimal use and potential improvement of the CTF. The District's long term plan is to keep the CTF operational and eventually discontinue the use of the CDF; however, no date has been set for that project.


How can the public participate in the conversation about the new facility?

Public involvement is critical to the success of projects such as this one, and we want to ensure the community has ample opportunity in a variety of methods to ensure their voice is heard. DOC and the project team will be hosting a series of public meetings which will be announced in coordination with the District’s public information outlets. As reflected in the timeline, the project will go through three public entitlement processes with the D.C. Zoning Commission, U.S. Commission of Fine Arts and National Capital Planning Commission that will provide additional opportunities for public involvement. Members of the public with questions and comments can complete the form here as well as sign up to receive periodic updates on the project. Information will also be posted to this project website as future phases begin.


What were the findings from the surveys of DOC residents, DOC staff and advocacy groups?

As part of its programming and planning efforts, CGL was tasked with surveying and interviewing DOC staff and residents to gather their input on what they would like to see in the new facility. An executive summary of the survey findings for both facility staff and residents can be accessed through the following links: Staff or Residents. Additionally, the project team is developing a survey to be distributed to advocacy groups involved with DOC residents. Once the data has been collected, it will be analyzed, compiled and made available on this website.


How has the work done to date by the Council for Court Excellence's Jails & Justice Taskforce been incorporated into the project development?

The Council for Court Excellence Jails & Justice Taskforce's extensive research and reports have provided foundational guiding principles and recommendations for the CTF Annex project. The project team has used the Taskforce's information throughout pre-design to aid in project planning with regard to building size, programming and best practices. To review the Taskforce's work done to date, please visit:

List of commonly used acronyms:

  • APC – Architectural Program Consultant (CGL)
  • CTF – Correctional Treatment Facility
  • CDF – Central Detention Facility
  • DGS – Department of General Services
  • DMPED – Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
  • DOC – Department of Corrections